

dic 20 2010

Classifica e risultati dopo la 22a giornata

2010/2011 English League Championship Table
  Overall Home Away  
1 Queens Park Rangers 21 11 8 2 36 14 7 3 1 22 7 4 5 1 14 7 22 41
2 Leeds United 22 11 5 6 39 35 6 1 4 21 20 5 4 2 18 15 4 38
3 Cardiff City 21 11 4 6 35 22 5 3 2 16 9 6 1 4 19 13 13 37
4 Swansea City 22 11 4 7 28 19 6 3 2 14 5 5 1 5 14 14 9 37
5 Norwich City 22 10 6 6 35 30 5 2 4 19 17 5 4 2 16 13 5 36
6 Coventry City 22 10 4 8 29 25 6 1 4 17 12 4 3 4 12 13 4 34
7 Reading 21 7 9 5 30 23 4 5 2 17 11 3 4 3 13 12 7 30
8 Nottingham Forest 20 7 9 4 24 17 5 5 0 15 6 2 4 4 9 11 7 30
9 Derby County 22 9 3 10 35 29 6 1 4 25 13 3 2 6 10 16 6 30
10 Watford 21 8 6 7 38 33 3 4 3 16 16 5 2 4 22 17 5 30
11 Doncaster Rovers 21 8 6 7 33 35 5 4 1 17 10 3 2 6 16 25 -2 30
12 Burnley 20 7 8 5 32 26 7 2 2 23 14 0 6 3 9 12 6 29
13 Barnsley 20 8 5 7 25 29 6 3 2 16 9 2 2 5 9 20 -4 29
14 Millwall 21 7 7 7 25 22 4 3 3 15 11 3 4 4 10 11 3 28
15 Portsmouth 20 8 4 8 28 27 4 3 2 18 12 4 1 6 10 15 1 28
16 Leicester City 22 8 4 10 31 38 6 3 2 18 10 2 1 8 13 28 -7 28
17 Ipswich Town 22 8 3 11 25 30 5 1 5 15 15 3 2 6 10 15 -5 27
18 Hull City 21 6 8 7 19 23 4 3 3 8 4 2 5 4 11 19 -4 26
19 Bristol City 21 7 5 9 24 30 4 3 4 14 15 3 2 5 10 15 -6 26
20 Sheffield United 21 7 4 10 17 28 4 1 5 10 16 3 3 5 7 12 -11 25
21 Middlesbrough 22 6 3 13 21 32 5 2 4 16 15 1 1 9 5 17 -11 21
22 Crystal Palace 22 6 3 13 24 40 5 2 4 15 13 1 1 9 9 27 -16 21
23 Scunthorpe United 20 6 2 12 23 35 1 2 7 8 19 5 0 5 15 16 -12 20
24 Preston North End 21 5 4 12 25 39 3 2 6 11 16 2 2 6 14 23 -14 19

promozione diretta - playoffretrocessione

Giornata Nº 22 del 18/12/2010 



 Cardiff  Burnley  -
 Coventry  Norwich  1  2
 Derby  Reading  1  2
 Doncaster  Middlesbrough  2  1
 Hull  Bristol C.  2  0
 Ipswich  Leicester  3  0
 Leeds  Queens Park Rangers  2  0
 Millwall  Barnsley  -
 Nottingham  Crystal Palace  3  0
 Portsmouth  Scunthorpe
 Sheffield U.  Swansea  1  0
 Watford  Preston  -



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